he3..ingat lg x last entry aku pening psl hadiah...mmg aku dh terpikir nk beli jam..tp mase g survey2 tu aku pening nk beli brand ape? sbb aku bukan reti nk beli mende2 camni..dhla bukan utk aku..so lg la besar mslhnyer...so aku biorkan je dl..tp xsangke la org tu pon mengidam jam tgn..and luckily brand ni mmg idaman die..so aku pon mulekan penyiasatan ke ats brand ni..mmg brand ni fofular kt luar negara tp kt sini susah nk cari...puasla aku merayau nk mcari..last2 jumpe kt 1kedai kt pdg pahlawan mall..ni la die Caterpillar Watch (CAT)yg susah benor nk cari ni(kt mlk la..kt KL byk)..dlm byk2 design aku suke yg ni..tp xtaula org tu suke ke x...harge??jgn tnye..hu3..tp bole thnla after 20% discount sempena christmas ni(bole demam 7hari 7mlm kalo xde diskaun..hu3)..tp bukan harge menjadi ukuran..hua3..cakap byk pon xgune..meh hv a look before tuan die amik nnt..
Hopefully, sukela..sbb i hv no idea canne nk pilih jam yg cantik..yg nih nmpk smart..so men taram jerla..janji ROCK!!!!!!ha3..
psssttttt...gambar adalah ihsan dpd my newly bought sony cyber-shot dgcam...hu3..beli kt pcfair aritu..kui3...
hadiah jam tu utk sape?
igtkan nak promote jam je..
rupenye miss nak promote skali kamera yg miss guna utk amik pic jam tu..cehh..
yela, beli kat pcfair..
dpt murah...kan?
he3...biarla rasie..kui3..
hu3..mmg murah giler...sronok g pcfair...mcm2 ada..duit je nggak ada..hik3
jam lawa!
tp.. bkn utk sy..
erkkk...fidot..mmg bukan utk u...so sorry..jgn la sedey2 ye...hik3..
jam CAT...
mmg bole demam la...
hampir2 demam..kui3
amboi. nak bg sape wei. rahsia2 plak dgn rumet lama. btw, ko beli kamera model apa? awat kamera lama? aku masih tetap setia menggunakan kamera lama aku. alhamdulillah xrosak. hehehe
sony la beb..
xde brand lan yg bole menandingi sony dihatiku..ahakzz..
sony la beb..
xde brand lan yg bole menandingi sony dihatiku..ahakzz..
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
owh ok..so thats mean i hv to buy lots more stuff so that i can post it here..ha3..
ok2..i'll try my best..
owh ok..so thats mean i hv to buy lots more stuff so that i can post it here..ha3..
ok2..i'll try my best..
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